Sunday, March 13, 2011

Year 9 Chinese Term1 Test1

Westlake Girls High School
Year 9 Chinese Term1 Test1

Express and write the following concept (with English expression examples)
in Chinese (pinyin, tone and character) (The number in the bracket at the end of each e.g. indicates the number of Chinese characters suggested)

1. Greet someone and say goodbye:

E.g. (1) Hello! (Chinese)_______________________________________________(2)    

E.g. (2) Goodbye! (Chinese)___________________________________________(2)       

2. Ask someone ‘How are you?’ and possible replies:

E.g. (1) A: How are you? (Chinese)_____________________________________(3)

             B: I am fine, how about you? (Chinese) ___________________________(5)

E.g. (2) A: How are things with you? (Chinese) ___________________________(4)

             B: Just so-so. (Chinese) ________________________________________(3)

3. Invite someone in:

E.g. Please come in! (Chinese) _________________________________________(2)     

4. Invite someone to sit down:

E.g. (1) Please sit down. (Chinese) ______________________________________(2)

E.g. (2) Have a seat! (or Do sit down!) (Chinese)_____________________________(2)

5. Say ‘Thank you’:

E.g. Thank you. (Chinese) ____________________________________________(2)

6. Ask what someone’s name is and possible reply:

E.g. (1) A: May I ask, What is your name? (Chinese) ______________________(8)

             B: My name is ……….(Chinese) ________________________________(2).
E.g. (2) A: May I ask, What is your surname? (Chinese) __________________(6)

        B: My surname is ……….(Chinese) ___________________________(2).

 E.g. (3) Polite way of asking someone’s surname. (Chinese) ________________(3)

7. Identify yourself or others:

E.g. (1) I am a student. (Chinese)_______________________________________(4)

E.g. (2) I am not a teacher. (Chinese) ___________________________________(5)

 E.g. (3) He is our teacher.  (Chinese) ___________________________________(7)

8. Ask who someone is:

E.g. Q: Who is he? (Chinese)__________________________________________(3)

9. Asking who about nationality and possible replies:

E.g. (1) Q: What’s your nationality? (Chinese)____________________________(5)

             A: I am a New Zealander. (Chinese)______________________________(6)

E.g. (2) Q: Are you Chinese? (Chinese)__________________________________(6)

             A: No, I am Japanese. (Chinese)_________________________________(6)

10. Apologies and respond to someone’s apology:

E.g. A. I am sorry! (Chinese)__________________________________________(3)

       B. That’s alright. (Chinese)________________________________________(3)

11. Asking if someone is learning Chinese and possible reply:

E.g. Q: Do you study Chinese? (Chinese)________________________________(6)
        A: Yes, we study Chinese. (Chinese)________________________________(6)

Answer Sheet1:                                  Name: _______________    Form class: _____    

                1           2           3            4           5          6           7            8           9          10

- 2 characters

- 2 characters


- 3 characters

- 5 characters

- 4 characters

- 3 characters


- 2 characters


- 2 characters

- 2 characters


- 2 characters


- 8 characters

- 2 characters

- 6 characters

- 2 characters

- 3 characters

Answer Sheet2:                                  Name: _______________    Form class: _____    

                1           2           3          4            5           6          7           8           9           10

- 4 characters

- 5 characters

- 7 characters


- 3 characters


- 5 characters

- 6 characters


-6 characters

-6 characters


- 3 characters

- 3 characters


- 6 characters

- 6 characters

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