Monday, April 11, 2011

Han Yu for Beginning Students Unit Two Class Work and Home Work Table

Westlake Girls High School Chinese Year 9
Han Yu for Beginning Students Unit Two - 1 Class Work and Home Work Table

Unit Two
2.1 Meet my family
2.2 My Family
2.3 I have a Pet!
Text – translate from Chinese to English (1B8)
P38 我的一家 1.  
P39 我的一家 2.
P40 请问              
P41 说汉语一
P42 他住哪儿?
p43 Counting 1 to 10
P44 “有” “没有” 1. 2. 3.
P45 兄弟姐妹
P46说汉语二 1. and 2.
P47说汉语二 3.
P48  你们家养动物吗?………
P49  五条金鱼 ……

Find the Chinese - translate from English to Chinese (1B8)
P40 Find the Chinese
This is my elder sister.
P41 Find the Chinese
I am well, how about you?
P46 Find the Chinese
I also have an elder sister.
P47 Find the Chinese
How many people are there in your family?…………………….

Boxes, Note and Concept – Summarize the key concept (1B8)
P38 The family ….
P39 In China, parents choose a name
……& Note 
P41 In China … Shake hand …… & Japanese name in Chinese
P42 You can use ...
P43 Notes 1. 2.
P44 Notes 3. 4.
P45 Notes 1. 2. 3.
P47 Notes
P48 In the past …………..
P49 My pet!

你了, 动动脑筋,  猜一猜etc -Practice within and/or outside Classroom
,then drop the thought (1B8)
Now you can introduce your family to class. ………...
(Power Point Presentation)
P62动动脑筋 1.2.
1. Find someone in your class who
2. Conduct interview in the class
Work in pairs, asking each other…
P62动动脑筋 1.2.3.
Class survey
Help the teacher write a list of pets on the blackboard. …..
猜一猜 1.2.3.
你听懂了吗 – Practice within and/or outside Classroom ,then drop the thought (1B8)

P46你听懂了吗? 1. a)
        1. b) &
        2. a) and b)

学会认字 – Reading Practice, Practice within and/or outside Classroom ,then drop the thought (1B8)
P42 Learn to Read
P60 and 61-学会认字
2.1- Questions –
Dialogue and Narration &  Text 1 and 2
P47 Learn to Read
2.2- Questions 1.2.3.-
P62 Text 1 & P63 Text 2
P49 Learn to Read
2.3- Questions 1.2.3.-
汉子表 Hanzibiao– Vocabulary Writing Practice (1J8)
汉子表 Hanzibiao
汉子表 Hanzibiao
汉子表 Hanzibiao
(Now you can) - translate from Chinese to English (1B8)
2.1 Meet my family
Introduce member of your family or a friend -
Describe where someone goes to school -
Say where you live -
Ask where someone lives -
P67 –
Useful expressions -
Grammar and usage reference -
2.2 My family
Count to 10 -
Ask how many brothers or sisters someone has -
Possible replies -
Answer a question affirmative or negatively -
Ask what people there are in someone’s family -
Possible reply -
P68 -
Grammar and usage reference -
2.3 I have a pet!
Ask someone if he or she has a pet -
Reply when you are asked if you have a pet -
Grammar and usage reference -
Vocabulary reference -

Westlake Girls High School Chinese Year 9
Han Yu for Beginning Students Unit Two - 2 Class Work and Home Work Table

Unit Two
2.4 Describing your pet
2.5 More Counting 11 to 99多少
2.6 How Old Are You?
Text – translate from Chinese to English (1B8)

P50  它真好看
P51  那匹马真漂亮! & 大卫的狗
P52  大卫的狗 continue……..
P53  说汉语三 1. (There is a knock on the front door)
P54  说汉语三 2.
Do you remember how to count to ten?
P57 练一练
Here is a tongue twister. Work out what it means first, then try to say one section at a time as fast as possible, then try to say the whole thing without stopping.  …………………………
P58  张先生,您多大了?
P59  王太太多大了?
……………………………….. ……

Find the Chinese - translate from English to Chinese (1B8)
P53 Find the Chinese
What are you talking about?
P54 Find the Chinese
Who’s there?

P59 Find the Chinese
How old is Mrs Wang?
I’m nearly five.
How old are you? (speaking to a member of your class)
How old are you? (asking a child)
Boxes, Note and Concept – Summarize the key concept (1B8)
P51 Notes 1. 2.
P52 Notes 1. 2.
P53 Notes 3. 4. 5.
P54 Notes 1. 2.
P56 Note
P59 Notes 1.2.3. 4.5.

P66 Note

你了, 动动脑筋,  猜一猜etc -Practice within and/or outside Classroom
,then drop the thought (1B8)
P55 你了!
Draw a sketch of your favourite pet ..(Power Point Presentation)
P64猜一猜 小看
Pass the number!
Play Pass the message’ with numbers. …………………..

你听懂了吗 – Practice within and/or outside Classroom ,then drop the thought (1B8)
P53你听懂了吗? 1. 2.

Someone is being interviewed. Listen carefully to the conversation and jot down particulars about him, then see how many things you can say about him.
学会认字 – Reading Practice, Practice within and/or outside Classroom ,then drop the thought (1B8)
P55 Learn to Read
P64 -学会认字
2.4- Questions – 1 and 2 &     Text
P57 Learn to Read
2.5- Before reading the text, listening to the recording and write down the numbers you hear
P59 Learn to Read
2.6- Questions
& P65 and P66 Text
汉子表 Hanzibiao– Vocabulary Writing Practice (1J8)
汉子表 Hanzibiao
汉子表 Hanzibiao
汉子表 Hanzibiao
(Now you can) - translate from Chinese to English (1B8)
2.4 Describing your pet
Describe your own or someone else’s pet –
Say you thought something mistakenly –
Describe ownership –
Useful expressions –
Grammar and usage reference -

2.5 More Counting 11 to 99
Count from 11 to 99 -
Express addition or subtraction-
Grammar and usage reference -
2.6 How Old Are You?
Ask someone how old he or she is -
Possible replies -
Grammar and usage reference -
Useful expressions -

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